Friday, April 22, 2011

life it is.

Word by word i use to motive the end only action is needed.Even wonderfull never happen to me..but i keep on wishing..keep on smiling.Coz i believe someday..maybe not tomorrow..but someday..things gonna be alright.I've live all this everyday is lucky for me.I have lots of fren..lots of fun.Hope this can last longer and enjoy my sun rise and set with calm and happy.Maybe im not living a luxury life..but a happy life is more then enough.My luxury is my family and my friend.Yesterday i was young..mistake im me..struggling to survive..and tomorrow..aa.just hoping its gonna be a better day then today and ofcourse yesterday.

Monday, April 11, 2011

dream place.

there is a place that i use to dream of.A place where all dream turn real..and that place is alway a dream.
A kid as i was those day..always seeking of a place to hide from my trouble..i found one..and that place for some period of time..i call my dream place.

I grow older..i realize that is not the place.As i move on..the dream place move far from me.Cant even see it anymore.I begin to realize that not every human can have their dream.Thats goes for me.

Well..not that i have hope so much..but i dream place is waiting for me..waiting for me to come and put my life in it.