Monday, April 9, 2012 im so into running man.And my fav is HAHA.So please enjoy a song from HAHA

Sunday, August 28, 2011


its been a while since i write anything in this side.Well..its has been realy buzy lately...with all my work..with all the late shif..not forgoten i dont pay my bill...haHAHA.Life?so far so good..if u dont count in The money matters..then my life is awesome.Love?well...nothing near that yet...i guess im not the kind of guy that always looking for love..coz have planty plan i have to do first.Money?err...juz skip this part.hahaha.

I was thinking of having a long vacation..maybe somewhere out of malaysia.I already book a flight to thailand..but that is not untill jan next year.Meanwhile...2 days left for me to go back home town.Yes....Raya dude..Raya.I cant remember when is the last time i celebrate Raya with my family..i think its was several years ago.For me..all this few years..Raya is a working rutin.Coz the money is more on Raya day.hahaha.

haha.Lets me juz enjoy me holiday tho.Hopely all of u enjoy also the heat of Raya.SELAMAT HARI RAYA!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Some people always think that they are correct.Many people always feel down.People seldom think that they need more then just life.Often we realize that lopve isint a simple thing.We all young..but we cant never be younger.Every moment in life cant be repeat.Once we done..its a memories that live on think wisely before you act.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

mind talking.

So many event happen this past few day.Everyday go to work..hoping something wonderfull always..nothing.Nothing ever happen..just plain old me..having a the same old life..everyday.My friend is extra happy today-he just got new GF...-haha.Good for him.He have been single for a long time now.Me..well..i guess the world is not for a guy like me to be love.haha.Skip that part..a long time ago.Again this week i enter the dark age of my month.With my salary all finish..i have to figure out how to survive.Eating is inportant to me.A lot.

Many thing happen inside my brain lately.Also need to thing bout my coming holiday(its not realy a holiday coz im going back hometown)..need to buy ticket..which very large amount of realy help bout it.*maybe i should work hard to buy an airplane..muhahahha*.Today was my offday..but i only stay at home..doing nothing*well..not realy nothing..its just that i'm to lazy to type all the thing i do*.LMAO.Realy nice if i can have a nice piece of bread and a hot tea right now.Im starving.

I got a sms from an old friend asking me for a help..and its about finding him a job.Gosh.Now i have extra thing to do.Wah..i just got a last copy of rokes.a book writen by a local writer..whom..his blog i like to gonna enjoy read it 1st.hehe

Saturday, May 14, 2011

your smile.

your no other.
colour my life with joy
every breath that i breathe
remind me of you.
every star that i saw at night
glow and shine like you.
if only you were mine
i promise that i'll keep
that smile on your face.
the sweet and cute smile.
your precious
your smile..give the sun
a reason to rise..
made the star shine brightly.
but most of all..
keep me going in life.